Learn about the most profitable crops

Conoce los cultivos más rentables

We have a wide range of possibilities in the agricultural sector, we find different crops with different profitability, and most farmers are betting heavily on the olive tree, almond or pistachio plantation.

Did you know why they are called cash crops?

Profitable crops are those that generate more benefits for the farmer, if we make a relationship between the investment made by the farmer and the benefits obtained, if the subtraction is positive, Bravo! a profitable crop has been achieved.

For many years, the focus has been on super-intensive production to increase profitability, due to the increasingly competitive market, both in terms of price and product quality.

Which crops are currently the most profitable?

Almond Tree Cultivation

In the southwest of Europe, in recent years it has become the preferred place to produce almonds, both rain fed and irrigated.

The almond tree is a tree with great resistance and does not require great care to grow, although it is true that it needs a warm climate and does not tolerate frost, before cultivating almond trees, it is important to consider the different factors such as the soil, the orientation of the plot and its slope, the possibility of irrigation and harvesting, it is also important to obtain an adequate protection system, the Anti -Frost Towers, is the appropriate system for the protection of this crop.

Olive cultivation

Spain is the main producer and exporter of both olive oil and olives, producing millions of tons per year. Thanks to the super-intensive olive tree cultivation technique, profitability has increased, with a rapid entry into production and a return on investment in just a few years.

Pistachio Cultivation

This type of crop requires a high initial investment, with a higher profitability in the medium and long term. It is a crop that is becoming very popular in Spain. Before planting this type of crop, it is important to take into account very specific weather conditions, both hot and cold.

Another of the main alternatives in terms of cultivation are cereals, being this case both rain fed and irrigated, allowing to have several harvests in the same year.

In addition, these crops do not require a high investment, although their profits are also very low.

Before selecting your next crop, plan with the different alternatives and the conditions they require.


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