Although winter is the season with more frosts, the biggest problem comes in spring. This phenomenon is a major problem for most crops, especially in spring, when many fruit trees are in bloom.
Frosts can have different consequences depending on their intensity and the state of the crop.
This type of frost occurs at nightfall with clear skies, making infrared radiation energy losses to the atmosphere higher, and surface temperatures lower.
This type of frost can occur at any time during the day, produced by the invasion of cold air, with the temperature below freezing point.
This type of frost is produced when the water covering the crops evaporates, causing the temperature of the plant to drop.
When thinking about frost control, it is important to have clear objectives to combat this type of phenomenon. The main control objective is the creation of a microclimate around the crop, thus avoiding frost.
Cuando se piensa en un control frente a las heladas, es importante tener objetivos claros para combatir este tipo de fenómeno. El principal objetivo de control es la creación de un microclima alrededor del cultivo, evitando así las heladas.
When thinking about frost control, it is important to have clear objectives to combat this type of phenomenon. The main control objective is the creation of a microclimate around the crop, thus avoiding frost.
This method is mainly used for radiant frosts, when there is a sudden drop in temperature due to irradiation of crops and soil, causing the surrounding air to cool rapidly, this air is located in the lower areas of the crop causing frost damage.
The Anti-Frost system, activated automatically and due to its temperature sensors, when the positive 0.5ºC is reached, this system uses the warmer air from the upper layer, and propels it to the surface, creating a microclimate and protecting the crops against frost.