
An environmental plan

We design the most innovative devices in the world, eradicating Co2 emissions in their operation.
Some people will say that it is impossible, at Grupo SPAG we think differently.

Respetuoso Medio Ambiente

Environmentally friendly

The systems do not emit any harmful product for the environment.

Sistemas Ecosostenibles

Eco-sustainable Systems

We design eco-sustainable systems, using only renewable energies in their operation.

Respetuoso ciclo hidrológico

Respectful with the hydrological cycle

None of the systems alter the hydrological cycle of the cloud, it does not influence on rainfall.

Respetuoso con la sociedad

Integrated in society

The systems are a competitive advantage for agriculture, creating a great positive impact on society, eliminating the damage caused by hail and frost.

Respetuoso con la fauna y Avifauna

Respectful with fauna and Avifauna

Designed to protect against hail and frost without harming the living beings. They can be installed in Zepe areas.

Segundas oportunidades

Second Chances

Contributing to a sustainable society, our systems are recyclable once their life cycle is over.

Neutral company

The future of the

The most advanced systems in protecting the damage caused by hail and frost have been designed through innovation and technology, being 100% respectful with the environment.

Mundo Grupo SPAG

We protect the

Innovation and technology in each of the elements
of Grupo SPAG systems.
Protecting the environment, fauna and avifauna.
There are no harmful effects on the atmosphere.

Icono mundo SPAG

Your product respects the environment.

Each System is thoroughly evaluated based on its
impact on the environment, ensuring them to be sustainable and safe.

Productos SPAG Medioambiente

More about Grupo SPAG and the environment.

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