
23 September 2021

Most profitable almond variety

In recent years, there has been a lot of talk about the most profitable varieties of almond trees, in the next post, we will talk […]
15 March 2021
Cómo afectan las heladas a los frutales y cómo protegerlos

How does frost affect crops?

¿Cómo afectan las heladas? Although winter is the season with more frosts, the biggest problem comes in spring. This phenomenon is a major problem for […]
15 March 2021
Conoce los cultivos más rentables

Learn about the most profitable crops

We have a wide range of possibilities in the agricultural sector, we find different crops with different profitability, and most farmers are betting heavily on […]
1 September 2020

The use of renewable energy in every system

The use of renewable energy in every system  
1 September 2020

Grupo SPAG offices are free of CO2 emissions

Grupo SPAG offices are free of CO2 emissions.  
1 September 2020

The systems contribute to the protection of the environment

The systems contribute to the protection of the environment  
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